No more carrying this weight inside Lugging it around, trying to hide This pain so deep, this wounded pride Bringing me down, an endless...

In daily life our unobserved, under-appreciated 'imagination' frequently works against us. We're anticipating the coming snow storm,...

Shyloh gets his wings
Take the first step, I will appear You’re not alone, I’m always near To stay where you are, may hold appeal But look deep inside, find...

Waiting at the Crossroads
Standing at a crossroad Which way do I go? Who'll make the decision Where's the one who knows? All around is darkness It's difficult to...

Letting Go
Wanting to explore Longing just to feel Clinging to the rock Air beneath my heel Will I get back up If I let go and drop How far is the...

Am I The Writer? Or Am I Being Written?
Waking I am soft, open, peaceful; a blank slate ready to receive the day’s writing. Soon inner critic whispers in my ear, there was...
I Am Not I
BY JUAN RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ TRANSLATED BY ROBERT BLY I am not I. I am this one walking beside me whom I do not see, whom at times I manage to...

This Small Stone
This small stone in my pocket holds a story. Silence and conversation, solitude and relationship, in equal measure with easy flow. The...